Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vision statement

I'm not active on but I still get their newsletter, and today's was regarding making a vision statement for weight loss. I perused the article, and want to start working on this on my blog here. Today I'm going to focus on my motivations.

My number one motivation:

is this little man.

I want to BE there for him, be able to run with him, and never get weary. But also, I don't want him thinking that "THIS" is ok. I've worked really hard since getting him to make sure that he gets fruits and veggies and likes them, but he definitely doesn't see me eating as much of them as I'd like. And imho, that's a big part of kids loving them longterm, is seeing their parents enjoy them, modeling that behavior. I never want him to have to struggle with his weight the way that I do, I want him to be healthy, and happy.

My number two motivation:

is myself.

I want to be able to enjoy life ALL the time, to not have a lack of energy, to be able to move with ease, never have to worry about a seat being too small. I'm tired of feeling like the odd one out because of my size, tired of seeing pics of me in a group and just being astounded at how much bigger I am than everyone else. Last year, I discovered a passion for trailwalking. It soothes me, those long walks, and I want to be able to do them all the time. And now, with my heel spur, I want to get this weight off, to have more pressure off my heel, so I can take part fully in the 3 Day Walk. Someday, perhaps, I want to run or be able to get on a bike that doesn't get bogged down by my weight. I want ME to be able to come out and play, and so I'm writing all this down, to keep as a reminder of everything I want out of life. I'm doing really good right now with the diet and plugging along day by day with it, and the weight is moving off, but I want building blocks already laid in a solid foundation, so that when the weight stops for a bit, I don't get bogged down in it like I did last time and backslide. So here I am.

More to come in a few more days as I compile and sort through my thoughts.


  1. love this - and I will repeat are an amazing and strong woman! You are an inspiration to a lot of people, myself included. love ya, girl!!

  2. You're doing so great Brandi!! Don't stop!

  3. Again, you are an inspiration!!!
