Monday, August 11, 2008

I totally suck at this

I thought it was odd on Saturday when D really didn't eat as much as usual...then I REALLY thought it was odd on Sunday when he REALLY didn't eat much (was still drinking just fine though). He woke up at 430 am on Sunday morning and was whiny from that, but then he took a 2 hour nap on Sunday, which is so not him, but seemed ok the rest of the day, just a little lethargic. He had a few really loose stools, but it wasn't true diarrhea, I guess, he still went potty with it. I couldn't figure out what was up, but know others who have had tummy issues so figured it was that.

Until 2am this morning when I was cleaning up a trail of poo from his bed to my room, I realized...I hadn't picked up his anti-seizure med refill. With AF as bad as it was on Saturday, I didn't even REALIZE that he didn't get a dose Saturday evening or at ALL on Sunday, and I forced him into an unintentional detox. :( I feel like the worst parent EVER. I know he'll be fine, we'll start it back up again tonite when I go pick it up, and he'll have a drugged day tomorrow and then be ok, but geez, poor baby. And I know he didn't understand a bit of what was going on with his body. *sigh* Its no excuse, but it sucks, its so hard to remember to give it to him...he gets this med twice a day, and goodness knows he's missed a dose or two in the past, but never this long. :(

1 comment:

  1. don't worry about it mama! Shit happens! And sometimes it's on the floor ;)
