Saturday, November 1, 2008

So...its a weightloss announcement...

Ok its not a huge milestone. I still have a few more lbs til I hit one of those, but it IS a nice round number. lol Yup, as of this morning, i have officially lost 70 lbs, putting me at an even 260 lbs! Yup!!! I was excited!! I had been in a plateau for a couple weeks now and finally broke through it, and I couldn't be more happy.

It WAS a rough morning after that. D's therapist came by and he was already way tired, it kind of spiraled out of control, and he ended up running out the door when it was time for her to leave. I couldn't get around her to grab him, and he took off. Went running towards the street, turned at the sidewalk, kept running. He finally stopped up the street, but as soon as I got closer to him, he turned and ran INTO THE STREET. I have never freaked out so bad as a parent as I did then. MRI's, EEG's, adenoid surgery, stitches, 106 degree fevers...NONE of that is as horrifying as seeing cars in your peripheral vision headed toward your child while you are frantically tryin to get to them first. I took off running and grabbed him. I think I scared him by my reaction because by the time we got in the house, we were both bawling. Within 10 minutes, he was passed out asleep on the couch. I had known he was way tired, he was almost asleep before his therapist got there. Poor guy, his new med can really take it out of him...*sigh* dang, I think I just saw a few more gray hairs. And all I can think, is that 6 months and 70 lbs ago, I might not have been able to reach him. :(

The rest of our day after his nap was just fine other than typical D stuff. We got a lot of Christmas stuff bought for the projects we will be doing for gifts. We're making all of our gifts this year, so I'm excited. A few more little things will finish them out. But I can't spill the beans yet!! *grin*

Beth and I are hosting a baby shower tomorrow for two of our friends so stay tuned for pics of that!

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