Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stressing sucks

Things have been so tight financially lately, that I've really been stressing over it, and frankly, it all sucks. So I haven't been sleeping well, and I know I've been low on cals, but not much other choice. I got a smidge of breathing room today with it all, so we had a really good dinner, but the rest of the day was super light.

Breakfast was a Nutrigrain bar. Lunch was chicken noodle soup and baked chips. No afternoon snack. After a grocery store visit, while cooking dinner, I had a baggie of Pirate Booty. Dinner was shake n bake chicken nuggets, over spaghetti, with sugar snap peas and strawberries. I had a little mango ice cream to end my day at 1222 calories.

Output: with the MUCH needed grocery store trip, we ended up not having time to walk. I think it worked out though, I still did about 35 minutes of cardio dance this evening. I'll have two 4 mile days together tomorrow and Thursday, then a day off on Friday before our long walk this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. **HUG** Ur doin great! Anyone who gets up at 6am on vacation to go walk gets kudos from me..lol
