Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday monday

Yup, it is. least its over. lol There were all kinds of sugary things up at work today, which I SO struggled with. But in the end, I made it through the day. Yay.

B: Quaker oatmeal packet
S: Eating Right nutrition bar
L: South Beach pepperoni pizza and reduced fat Wheat Thins
S: 100 calorie minibag of popcorn
D: Porkchops cooked in zesty italian light dressing, a slice of colby cheese, 2 slices of whole wheat toast (no butter), and green beans
S: Betty Crocker Warm Delights coffee cake

Cals: 1473 calories

Output: 23 minute Biggest Loser Cardiomax workout this morning, 50 crunches, 20 very modified pushups (these two are going to be a daily thing for me), and then 30 minutes of Wii Tennis this evening


  1. How do you do your push ups? I can't do one to save my life so I was thinking maybe I could do your modified version. TIA

  2. I'm using the technique that D's occupational therapist uses with him. And he's

    You are basically on your hands and knees, and you have to touch your nose to the floor. Its VERY modified, but my triceps were crazy sore the next day. So I know it worked them.

    My plan is to do a week of these every day, then add in one full "girly" pushup, etc, etc, til I can work up to regular ones.

  3. Cool thanks I'm going to go and try those. I can't do a girly push up, I have about 0 upper body strength.
