Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bring it on!

Hehehe...I'm planning an exercise challenge with two other awesome chicks, and it all begins on MONDAY, April 6th. We'll be rockin it til May 15th (which also coincides with DAM BLC ending). I'm excited, I really need some good motivation to work out more. I've been doing ok with riding the bike, but these short bike rides are so not cutting it to get this weight moving!!! So I'm ready for it...ready to win it...and get my prizeeeeeee...muahahahahaha. Anybody willing to place bets on who wins? Stay tuned for more details on that on Monday when we start this, and I'm going to keep a counter on the right once we start so be looking there as well.

In other news, my big boy is REGISTERED for kindergarten!!! I'm so excited! Today was Kindergarten Roundup for our local elementary school, so I headed over there. I can't believe that in just a few months he'll be headed to big boy school...*sniff* I'm about 75% excited. The other 25% is scared to death about how things are going to work with special ed. As far as I know right now, he will be mainstreamed, but will probably have a fulltime aide shadow him most of the day, with twice a week pullouts for speech therapy twice a week. We have our ARD meeting in a week and a half, and I'll find out more then, but I'm def nervous about him being one of 22 kids with only one teacher! Eeek. So thats putting a damper on my excitement.

Today has been a decent day food-wise. Breakfast was a pbj on whole grain. No morning snack has I left for lunch early to go to Kinder Roundup. For lunch, I grabbed a grilled cheese and unsweet tea from Sonic, brought it back to work and had carrots, raisins and Kosher Dill chips with it. My afternoon snack was a 100 cal choc covered pretzels. Dinner was baked chicken with rice and ranch style beans. And for a snack tonite, I'm having a Fiber One Oats and Caramel bar to end my day at 1652 calories.

Output today was 30 minutes of Wii Tennis and 15 minutes on the bike (2.8 miles). It's not enough for the challenge but it'll do for tonite.

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