Saturday, April 4, 2009

What a fun day outside!

It is SO beautiful here today! (Although windy) We spent the majority of our day hanging out with my brother. Yeah I didn't quite make some happy choices in eating, but I did try (considering we went out to eat for both lunch and dinner). I got LOTS of activity in though. After lunch, we went and walked around Firewheel Mall (which was CRAZY as they had some kinda event there. Then after a brief stop at Sonic for some unsweet tea for me and juice for D, we decided to head to Lake Ray Hubbard to go play by the lake and get some fresh air. And boy, did we! We had a great afternoon out there! After grabbing some dinner, D and I headed over to our friends house. D and J played outside for quite some time, and then we put the kiddos to bed and played some Wii Sports! I am SO TIRED! And I have a feeling my arms will be quite sore

Foodwise, yeah it wasn't great, but it really could have been worse. I didn't have breakfast. For lunch, my bro wanted to go to Pizza Inn. Yeah, I know, that one could have been really bad. I did stick with cheese thin crust, as I know I'm safe enough with that, and got a salad. I even managed to not have any dessert, NO idea how that happened! lol For dinner, we went to Furrs, its a pretty new one out in Garland. That one was awfully difficult as well (two buffets in ONE day! Eeeek!) But I did not do just awful there either. I did have some chicken with gravy, some mac n cheese, a piece of garlic bread, and another salad with ranch dressing. When I got D his dessert, I grabbed some Reese's Pieces for myself for a sugar boost, but steered clear of everything else. Late tonite after we got home, I had some jellybeans (darn those!) and a 100 cal minibag of popcorn to end my day at 1965 calories.

Output today was a LOT. First, there was walking at Firewheel, then lots of walking at the lake, and finally, lots of time playing Wii Sports (tennis, baseball, bowling, and golf). I burned 3788 calories today (WOW!) and ended up at 8507 steps. Not too bad, though I'm still curious to see what a typical workday is like.

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