Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day one begins...

Today began Day 1 of half marathon training. And I am SO realizing how much its hindering me to have to push D in the stroller I have for him. We have a Maclaren Volo, and its NOT doing the trick! And I can't expect D to walk that far so I HAVE to push him. I did let him get up this morning and walk some, he did fine, but it really wore him out. So I need to figure out an alternative. Maybe a jogging stroller? But I dunno of one that would hold his weight...46-47 lbs. Yeesh. Unfortunately he HAS to be with me for the majority of our walks, though once we get to 6+ miles, I will have sitters watch him, but thats just once a week. Anyone have ideas?

Today was quite the busy day...foodwise I did really good. Breakfast was two Special K waffles with a bit of light syrup and bluebonnet margarine. Lunch was at Blackeyed Pea. I had grilled chicken with bbq sauce, plus rice, a house salad, and 1.5 rolls with a tad of butter. Dinner was at Jasons Deli. I got a big salad of romaine and tomatoes with some cheese on top and lowfat ranch. Plus a side of grilled chicken, and apples. Yes I realize I had pretty much the same thing it just sounded good! I also had a chocolate lowfat frozen yogurt cone at Jasons Deli. Then this evening we went to a movie and I had a pickle and some popcorn to end my day at 1830 calories.

Output: a 1 hour 5 minute walk this morning (3.25 miles) for Day One of training. Then this afternoon we went swimming for an HOUR...yes I'm tired! lol My Go Wear Fit shows I burned 3683 calories today, but that's not counting the swimming which Lose It estimates at 668 cals. I think I hit a record number of cals burned for me!! An estimated 4351 cals burned! That rocks!!! I am SO glad that tomorrow is now a rest day but will explain that tomorrow.

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