Friday, May 22, 2009

Walking My Way to 13

So yesterday was about 5Ks. Today, let's talk Half Marathons. That's right, 13.1 miles, or a little over 4 times that of a 5K. And...I'm going to do one this year. Do I sound crazy yet? Cause I kind of feel it. I keep going back and forth between excitement and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I know I can do this. I now have a training buddy and a training schedule that is reasonable. And I have 17 weeks to get ready for it.

Here's the plan. We're going to do the Heels and Hills Half Marathon in September. But with a backup plan. The HHH has a time limit of 4 hours. So if by August, we don't feel we have our time down enough, then we're going to do the White Rock Half in December, which is a 5.5 hour max. Either way, I'm doing one this year. I think we have a good solid plan for it, and if I can stick with it, I WILL do this. I have this deep seated NEED to do it. Bear with me through this process, it's very quickly becoming an obsession, but at least its not one that will HURT my body, as long as I stick with knowing that this IS a process and a long term one at that, it can only help me. And while I'm not betting on it, I'm really hoping that a side benefit will be this weight melting I keep telling myself to not look to Sept 27th (race day), but to take the small steps, and look at the week only, no more than that.

I'm starting the training this coming sunday (though I will be doing a 5K tomorrow as well, thats just a bonus), but will just be repeating week 1 until June 14th when I start it for real. Sundays will be long walk days, so after June 21st or so, I'll need to have someone watch D for me. I'm still figuring out logistics, but I want this enough that I'll work it out!

Ok on to food...I'm definitely uncertain about how to work out the food part of this training. I'm VERY comfortable in my light weekdays and higher weekends, it works for me. So I'm scared to change that much. But I've already started feeling more hungry. I need to keep changing up what I eat and figuring out what will work best.

Today is our weekly CFA day since we have church tonite. Breakfast was oatmeal again. I did have a midmorning snack of 100 cal chips. Lunch was a Lean Cuisine pizza and big leafy salad with Zesty Italian light (the ONE thing I grabbed from the office catering in OTB, I was good!!). My afternoon snack was almonds. And dinner was a CFA Kids meal with no ketchup. This evening I had a whole wheat tortilla with a bit of Bluebonnet spread to end my day at 1295 calories.

Output: I got up this morning and did the 32 min WATP. At lunchtime I took a 15 min walk outside (down to the pond, around once, and back). This evening I did 15 minutes of cardio dance to get in the rest of my time. Tomorrow is a 5K so I don't want to overdo it.


  1. I am so excited for you Brandie ~ what an amazing goal to set!!

  2. Brandie, don't worry about the half marathon time limit for Heels and Hills and Him. Let us know a few weeks out what target time you are expecting and we'll try our best to work with you, but we do need the heads up. Thank you for being an inspiration to many!

    Libby Jones
    Heels and Hills, Inc.
