Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kinder Eve...

D starts kindergarten tomorrow and I highly doubt there will be sleep in this house tonite for mommy. I'm so excited, so nervous, so scared, so over the top PROUD of my sweet boy for how far he has come in his short 5 years. Check out our other blog over the next few days for pics of his first day and everything related to it!

In other news, due to AF, I haven't walked in a freakin WEEK! It's been annoying today trying to finish up, but tomorrow, I'm starting hard core, EVERY SINGLE DAY except Fridays I plan to walk at least a mile. We have 5 weeks now til the half, and I want to make sure I'm at the top of my game for it. I also have to buckle down on eating starting Tuesday. This weekend has been awful with stress eating and I know tomorrow will be too. Hence, the tuesday, giving myself some leeway to not beat myself up over it. I will have one more AF between now and the half, which I know will knock me out at least 5 days, I need to get in as much time as I can before that. This coming weekend we'll be walking 12 miles. I KNOW my body can do it, its a matter of making my mind do it. Then the next day, we made plans to walk a slow 3-4 miles with a friend, so I will be able to stretch my legs out. I'm ready for this!

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