Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Stuff!

First, just wanted to share this pic from Sunday's 15K. This is Jenn and I crossing the finish line! No, we didn't run any of it but that last little bit to make it look like we were, gotta look good in the photo op!

I went shopping today for new walking shoes and wanted to browse around for something to hold a water bottle/gear for the half marathon. I really didn't expect to find anything, every other fanny/waist pack I have tried did not fit around my waist. I've lost a lot but am still a big girl!! lol

I gotta give props to the sales guy at Sports Authority. He was SUPER helpful, really spent time with me, dragging shoes out from everywhere, putting them up as we went, he rocked! I tried on about a bazillion pair and finally found some I really like! Here's a pic of them...

As I walked around the store trying out the shoes, I happened to see a bunch of waterbottles and camelbaks. Again, not really thinking I'd find something, I stopped to browse. A waist pack caught my eye, and I figured, well let me at least try it. It fit!! I was super excited. AND it was on sale. Exciting stuff, eh? I also got two packs of Gu to try out on our long walks, I can't be dragging multiple bottles of Propel around in the half when I don't have the stroller...lol So I'm trying to start thinking of things I can fit in the fanny pack that are portable. I can NOT be getting dizzy or passing out! Here's a pic of the fanny pack, I'm actually kinda excited that its all pink (Heels and Hills-style!!) . Yes, I'ma dork...but I'm loving this stuff!!

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