Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heels and Hills and Him Half Marathon

Today, after a little over 4 months of training, I finished a half marathon, the Heels and Hills and Him Half Marathon, to be exact. It was blistering hot out there (high of 94 degrees in Irving), and there were honestly times I didn't think I could keep going. I would guess that between 1/2 to 3/4th of the course was directly in the sun. It was miserable. I know one runner who said that they never walk in a run, and today, they had to walk some. Yeah, it sucked, but it was amazing.

I tried my best to stay hydrated, sucking down powerade/water, refilling my bottle that I brought, wetting a washcloth to keep on my neck and all around me, and I think it paid off for the most part. I did have a hat and sunscreen, but they didn't do much good. I also have two very nice blisters on my feet which were the main cause of my issues in the walk. Well, that and the sun that sucked it all out of me. I kept thinking, I SO never felt like this in our 12 mile walk where it was drizzling rain the whole time!! We were SO not prepared for it to still be like this!!

This challenge was the most mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting challenge I have ever faced. I ended up finishing in 5 hours and a few seconds (17? maybe?). I can't believe it has finally come and gone. Update: My official chip time was 4:58:38, so actually UNDER 5 hours!!

Special thanks go to Tracy and Tammy, fellow Run Team members, who met me at around 2.5 miles to go, and walked the rest of the way in with me and 3 other ladies who brought us more water (I wish I could remember their names but I was so out of It was awesome to have that final amount of support, even if I was pretty embarrassed that anyone came back out just for me.

Even more special thanks go to everyone who showed up at the finish line. My aunt and brother, Stacy and her son, Kristen (and the baby), my training buddy Jenn who stuck around to see my finish despite her own finishing at right around 3:30 (way to go, Jenn!!!!), and most importantly, Beth, who brought D so he could be there at the finish line too. I get all choked up about the support I had when I think about it, and goodness knows I cried all the way to lunch after we finished, and have had a few bouts of it this

I also wanted to say that I could not have done this alone in another way. I know God was with me every step of the way. There's no way I could have achieved that without Him. There were times where all I could do was repeat the words on my bracelet that my BFF gave me for my birthday: "It was then that I carried you." and inscribed on the inside "He is with you." and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that it was the truth. Other times, I'd be praying it...and I'd feel a slight breeze dance across my face, and I'd just smile a bit, knowing that He was letting me know it was ok.

I didn't count food today. Obviously with that long of a workout, it didn't really matter. I tried my best to keep nutrients in me before and during the race, and afterward we all met up at Twisted Root burger company for a DELISH lunch of a cheeseburger, curly fries with ranch, and a chocolate shake. OMG I think I ate enough calories for 20 people, and was half afraid at one point that I'd get sick, but it was soooooooooooo good.

So this phase of my fitness goals is now over. And what a ride it has been. Doing the half marathon today actually knocked me over the 200 mile mark in training, so that goal is met as well! The next phase is going to include working on running more, getting MORE in shape, getting more of this weight off, so that my next walks/runs will take even less time. I want to GET THERE FASTER. lol I'm sore as all get out, sunburnt on my legs, arms, face, and neck, dealing with two blisters, keep finding little rashes in the oddest places and I'm totally exhausted, but somehow I already know that I will do it all over again one day. Stay tuned for that.


  1. I couldn't be prouder of you! This is an amazing accomplishment and I think you are officially my new personal hero!

  2. I am so proud of you Brandie! Way to go (times 1,000)!!

  3. It was an honor to be there! I know I have told you a hundred times..but I am so proud of you!
