Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just One More Mile

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. ~Earl Nightingale

As I wind down this half marathon training and prepare for the big day (5 days away!!), I find myself thinking back on what has brought me to this point. We started this almost 4 months ago. May 24th. I thought September was such a long way away, and that the odds of sticking with this were slim, but was game for it anyway. I think the key to being successful at this training, was the training program we found and implemented. It was baby steps. The training started us out at 3-4 miles. It kept us at 3-4 miles walking except for one day a week, we'd bump up a mile. One week was 4, then 5, then 6, and then three weeks of 7 to gain confidence in it. And so on. There's no way I could have gone from walking 3 miles to 13 in 4 months without those gradual bumps. I remember every single week we'd bump up a mile, and I'd think, oh its 'just one more mile' than before, I can do that. I can do another 20 minutes max, on up to a 12 mile walk a week and a half ago. And now 4 months have passed since that first 3 miles, and I'm set to walk 'just one more mile'. On Sunday, I'll be walking 13.1 miles, a half marathon. And I have no doubts that I will accomplish this.