Friday, October 16, 2009

Finally Friday...

It was such a stressful week! I'm glad its over!

Today was the parent teacher conference at D's school. I really wasn't surprised at the results of the testing they did on D, even though it did jolt a little. D is below the lowest bounds of where a child his age should be for both math and phonetics. Like I said, I pretty much expected it, he doesn't even really know half of his letters. But it still does hurt this momma just a bit. :( I will say, I AM noticing him learning though. The last two weeks he has been so excited about counting syllables, it's been so neat to watch. He's really good at it! So I am content enough in the fact that he is who he is. He learns pretty easy when its something he can figure out as he goes, like clapping out syllables. His major issue is when he has to rely on his memory. There are so many GOOD things about D, he's so freakin clever, his personality is just off the chain, and he is so joyous about things! One of the things his teachers said was that all the teachers at his school know him and just love him. I LOVE that!

My eating was ok yesterday. I did end up snacking some late in the evening that I did not intend on. And so far today has been pretty good! We hung out for a bit at a friends house this evening and there were snacks there but I barely touched them. Woohoo!

Output: yesterday and this evening, I got in my 20 minutes on the bike. AF started yesterday, and so this weekend is going to pretty much suck. I hate that its the first gorgeous weather weekend in awhile and we can't enjoy it!! I need to get in an hour of exercise tomorrow so I will likely do 30 on the bike midmorning and then another 30 after lunch or so. I won't be doing much of anything else though.

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