Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stressful week so far

A summary of our week so far:

Monday was good. I did really well with my eating. Then came Tuesday. I got free tickets from a coworker to go see Darlene Zscech and Hillsongs Australia at a local church. So D stayed at Beth's house with her sitter, and the two of us went. The concert was A-MA-ZING. I've loved them since I became a Christian back in 1998, Shout to the Lord was one of my all time fave songs back then. It still is pretty darn close in my top list.

This is another one of my fave Hillsongs songs:


Unfortunately, halfway through, I get "the phone call". The one saying that D is actin a straight up fool, which he tends to do with new people. We ended up staying for the rest of the concert but that totally ruined the rest of the concert for me. The thought kept going through my head "don't let this steal your joy", and I just couldn't keep it from happening. Needless to say, I came home and ate some junk food. That coupled with the stress of today's doc appt looming really did me in.

I endeavored for today to be a better day and overall it has been, but with my schedule being off from taking D to the doc, and AF about to start, this evening hasn't been great eating. Tomorrow is bound to be a better day. We already have dinner plans, ones where I know I can eat healthy, so I'm prepping now for it.

Like I said above, I took D to the doc today, we went to see his neurologist. We're concerned there is still some seizure activity going on despite being on two seizure meds, so he ordered another EEG. I am NOT looking forward to that. He also explained to me some of the images from his MRI from 2 years ago as he was looking at them in the room. I learned a lot that I didn't know and it just blows my mind how D FUNCTIONS on a day to day basis with everything he has going on in that little head of his. It seems like he has some kind of issue in every part of his brain, and I just marvel at this child who's brain has managed to make a way where there is no way. They didn't think he would ever walk or talk when he was born, but now he runs and yells, lol. He amazes me and despite all the mess he has going on, the stunts he pulls, the future uncertainties, it's things like this that remind how blessed I am to be his mommy. So thank you, Lord, for the reminder, the day after D gets me all riled up with his behavior. I needed it.

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