Friday, November 6, 2009

ARD meeting from...well you know...

So apparently I called an ARD meeting yesterday at D's school, from a simple question I asked via email. Since this is a public blog, I won't go into details, but I will say one thing. It was awful and very unprofessional. At least on the part of one person there. The only reason I'm not protesting it or fighting it, is because the end result was the answer to my simple question. I got what I wanted. But it left a very sour taste in my mouth.

However, on a good note, in talking with a coworker who has been dealing with this with her daughter for 21 years, it has now opened lots of resources for me for figuring this special ed route out, AND I now have someone who is willing to go to future ARD meetings with me who has been navigating the system for YEARS, someone whose ONLY job is helping parents with this stuff). I won't be ambushed again. So there *insert juvenile thhppptttttt*.

Food is still sucking pretty good. I had a decent dinner last night but then succumbed to the rest of the candy corn in my house. Not good.

Output: I got in a 20 minute walk with D yesterday evening as soon as we got home since due to the ARD meeting, I was a little early picking him up. This morning, I got up early (my mind was restless all night and all over the place, so I didn't sleep much) and did the 30 minute WATP. I will likely get in another 30 tonite to complete an hour, which will leave me with only having to do an hour one day this weekend. That's a good thing because I actually get a night out, I'm so excited!!


  1. Time to purge the Halloween candy. It's the devil. Get it out of your house!

  2. Fortunately that IS the last of it. WHEW. Halloween after D was in bed, the majority of it went away (some in the trash, some...not so in the for the things he eats that I won't (sweet tarts, etc). So I think we're good to go now, I'd just been procrastinating on throwing out the candy corn. Blah.
