Sunday, November 22, 2009

Busy weekend!

But a fun one. Saturday was THE busiest sat we have had in a while. We were out the house around 8am to head to the Dallas Zoo for the Alzheimers Memory Walk. It was fun! My friend Helen and her family joined us and the boys had a blast! At noon, we headed to Gattitown for a birthday party for my best friends son. I can NOT believe he is 7 now! I remember the day he was born and going to visit Stacy in the hospital. *sniff* The years sure have flown.

After that, we headed to Farmers Branch for Chera pics! I can't wait to see them! And finally after all that, we hit up our first Single Parents Game Night through our new church. It's really hard to enjoy it when D is acting up and you know people don't understand "him" (though I wouldn't expect them to, with us being new). So I ended up leaving after about 1.5 hours, to keep him from going into total meltdown mode, so we could leave on really good And NOT have me dragging him out of there screaming. It was great to meet some of the other single parents, I hope to keep being able to join them!

It was a good day overall though, despite D having had blue dye in the birthday cake, and you could DEF tell at the Chera pics. Oy vey.

Today was pretty good. We spent some time at my grandma's for lunch, and then headed to go spend some time with my friend Beth and her family. It wasn't near as busy, but it was just as good of a day, and good to reconnect for a bit. We haven't seen them in awhile and have missed them!

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