I didn't post for two days, but it was such a long two days, with being the worst in pain for D's healing, that I have no clue what I ate. So I'm going to chalk those up as lost days. I know I didn't do awful, as we didn't leave the house except once on Friday, and not at all Saturday. But otherwise I can not remember what in the world I DID eat. I know there was popcorn on Friday evening when I got a movie night out, but other than that...*shrug*. So I'll start over today.
Tomorrow is the beginning of only good carbs for 5 days again. I totally failed in it last week, but it happened. It was a rough week.
Also tomorrow D will be back at school. I'm not so certain that it's the right thing to do, as I don't think he's completely READY to go back to daycare all day, poor guy, but I have to go back to work, and I don't really have much other choice. I'll see how he's doing in the morning and make a final decision.
L: eggbeaters with some shredded cheese and canadian bacon
S: grapes and a pudding cup
D: baked chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli with some light ranch dressing
S: 1 cup of sherbet
Cals: 1247 calories
Output: 1 mile on the recumbent stationary bike, and a 30 minute walk around Target
I hope D is feeling 100% now!