Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An awesome shopping experience!!

I got some money (and coupons) to buy new clothes, so Beth and I hit up the Avenue this evening.

Let me start by saying, that when this diet started, I was in 30/32 clothes (which sometimes were too tight as well), and 10 or 11 WW shoes. Thats right, DOUBLE wide shoes. A lot of times only men's shoes fit, which could really suck!

Tonite, I am happy to report...that while I'm still in a 24 in pants (which is still a great reduction!), the size of all the tops I bought...was an 18/20!!! And they all fit! The only tops in 18/20 that were tight were their button down ones, and those ran tighter on me anyway. I am so stinkin excited!!!

And in shoes...I tried on several pairs of 10Ws and they all fit! The ones I ended up buying were an astonishing 9.5W!!! I never would have guessed that my FEET would shrink!

I'm so full of good news on this front, I can barely stand myself! I know Beth had to be cracking up at my perma-grin going

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