Tuesday, October 14, 2008

D's neurology appt today

Well, we spent 2.5 hours at Children's Neurology Clinic this morning. All in all, things were good. They noticed some issues with his reflexes, such as his left leg would not jerk out when the knee was tapped with a hammer, and his right leg took its sweet time with that. He had some coordination issues with touching his fingers together. The neuro said we do not need another EEG soon, which I am quite relieved about! And his Trileptal can stay the same.

However...his neuro does want me to start D on Strattera, which is an ADD medicine. I have to admit, I used to be hugely against medicating children, but I'm really considering this. His neuro made a good point when he said that with D's neurological issues, this isn't something he can help, that sometimes it has to be controlled medically, and isn't a learned behavior. Ok, I'll buy that. I'm just concerned that he'll turn into a zombie, and I don't want to lose my little boy with all his personality out the wazoo. But I'm thinking we're going to take this leap of faith and try it out. I've talked to teachers at both of his schools. The guidance counselor and his teacher at PPCD are very supportive. I also talked to the main teacher he is with at his daycare, and she asked me to program my phone number into her cellphone, so she can call me immediately if she has concerns. So I was very relieved by that!! I know that with us all working together for his benefit, great things are bound to happen for the D-man.

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