Monday, October 27, 2008

Dang plateaus

Yeah, I think I've hit one. And I hate em. I know its all part of this fun weight loss journey but it doesn't mean I have to like it or accept it!

So yesterday I stayed a bit under on calories, and I might do the same today. I'm contemplating staying between 1200-1300 all week, since lately my cals have been consistently higher. I took a very brisk walk yesterday, and even though I didn't note it on our Losin blog, I did some dancing last night with my ipod on, so got some more cal burn there too. I need to up the exercise, been way slacking on it. Anyone wanna go walk at the Galleria at lunch?

First step though, I had a good protein filled breakfast. Eggbeaters with salsa, sliced turkey, and a slice of cheese. It was YUMMY. I've already got my lunch/snacks plotted out on fitday for today. So I think I've gotta great start to the day. All I know is, this plateau can NOT last. I weigh in again this next saturday and it so better be GONE. November 12th is our 6 month mark, which leaves me 2 weeks and 2 days to get down 9 lbs (halfway mark to 180 lbs)...eekkkk. I don't think I'm gonna hit it but I'm hoping if I can bust this plateau it will go fast for a bit. We'll see. I had so hoped to hit it by November 8th (our Chera pics) but no way is that gonna happen.

Dang plateaus.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on the same journey that you are to lose weight and coming from a very similar starting point as well. Your blog and your losing it together blog is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    I did want to say that sometimes plateau's hit, and I have had one that lasted quite a while, i.e. several weeks. It's hard to keep going when you get there, but I am praying you will have the willpower to keep it up, and also that this plateau is short!
