Friday, January 14, 2011

A summary of 2010

Wow, it's still hard to believe that 2010 has come and gone. So much happened in my life, I grew so much in many ways, but in some ways I took a few big steps backward. And 2010 did not end on a great note for me.

How do you summarize a whole year? I don't even know that I REMEMBER most of the Well, I will say, the biggest part for me, was The 3 Day. Yes, I know, I ended up not actually walking in it, but fundraising for it was a big part of my 2010. I still raised my $2300, plus a little extra. I LOVED doing all the fundraisers and events that we did. No, it wasn't very enjoyable to ask people for money, but creating fun events that were of benefit to everyone was awesome. I still wish we would have organized a karaoke night, just couldn't get it together!

I also started working on adopting again in 2010. I met a fantastic little girl, but it just didn't work out. So we are still working on this one. And my sweet boy turned 6. I'm still not believing it.

There was some pain this year, mainly relating to my two heel spurs. I originally went in thinking I had plantar fasciitis, and I did in fact have it, but also the spurs. I STILL can not walk barefoot anywhere without lots of pain, and have to keep flipflops or some kind of shoes on at home.

And for a month, I took on the challenge of the Paleo diet. Meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, and oil were the major players in my diet, and I abstained from bread, pasta, rice, white potatoes for a full 30 days, something I had never done before. I felt amazing and am sad that I've backtracked a lot since then.

Overall, 2010 was a fairly difficult year for me, but I'm moving on from it. I'm hoping 2011 will show God's grace in my life and that we will prosper and grow in His spirit.

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