Sunday, June 7, 2009

Milestone days...

Today was a big day in more than one way...I hit a big goal that I'm pretty excited about, but also started the long Sundays of this half marathon training. It wasn't too much of a jump, 4 miles, but it felt like a big accomplishment to me, its more than I've walked before in my whole life in one stretch. So I was feeling good about that. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. Since the last mile was a new stretch of ground for us, it went by really quickly. I was tired and sweaty as all get out, but I felt good and still do this evening.

I originally intended to keep today low caloriewise since tomorrow is a splurge day, but with the long walk, I was HUNGRY I did keep it under control though, and I think ate decently enough. Breakfast before the walk was half an english muffin with a little butter and some grapes. Lunch was at my grandmas. They ordered in pizza today (only pan crust...sheesh, no thin crust), so I had 1.5 pieces (got a regular size piece, and then the smallest one possible which was about half its size), plus blackeyed peas, some lowfat cottage cheese and a lettuce/tomato salad with light ranch. For an afternoon snack, they had cherry sugar cookies that my aunt brought from a bakery, but I split one with D. For dinner, I took D to Jasons Deli. I had a kids mac n cheese bowl, with a side of grilled chicken (that I shared half with D), a big romaine salad with some cheese and lowfat ranch, plus a chocolate ice cream cone. I originally got a kids cup of unsweetened tea and added sweet n low to it, but it turned out to be sweet tea to begin with, so I had about 8 oz of sweet tea as well to end my day at 1688 calories.

Output: a 4 mile walk today that took an hour and 17 minutes. So I was good to go for the rest of the day. I didn't do a whole lot else today, just went to my grandmas and hung out, and then came home and hung out some more, and took D to dinner, no store visits or anything, I'm currently at 3210 cals with about 3.5 hours in the day to go. I'm guessing I'll be around 3600-3700 cals burned today but will update tomorrow.

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