Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Prepping for my baby's last day as a preschooler...

This evening, I had to get stuff ready to take to D's school tomorrow. Its his last *sniff* day of Pre-K, and we are celebrating his summer birthday as well. What was going to be triple berry muffins with 'D''s in icing on them, well, turned out not so much, because the muffin tin I thought I had, would not appear anywhere. And by the time I realized it, D was already in bed and asleep. So I made the most of what I had. And made this:

A muffin cake. lol It smelled good at least, my whole house smelled DIVINE! I debated how to package it along with the grapes I was taking for the kids, and finally decided to use a plastic scrapbook storage container I have. It fit perfectly! I went ahead and cut it into 16 pieces, and then I used the paper muffin tin liners I had gotten, as holders for the grapes, and it all fit perfectly.

Ok so I'm not the most domestic chick in the world. But give me props for TRYING. At least it was semi-healthy for the kiddos!

Ok on to MY food today. It started with a Quaker lowfat granola bar for breakfast. Then a mid morning snack (almost to lunch) of 100 cal choc covered pretzels. Lunch was tuna and miracle whip, with kosher dill chips. In the afternoon, despite oddly enough the pretzels from earlier, I was hit with a MAD chocolate craving. I was seriously about to gnaw my arm off and stick it up the vending machine. Ok not really, but close! So to compromise and kill the craving, I got a package of M&Ms but split them with a coworker. Whew! Crisis averted. Abit later I had a Special K protein bar. Dinner was half a Tony's Cheese frozen pizza and corn. Yes, I very much have a kids palate. Oh well, when you've been up and running since 530am and at work all day, dealing with hassles there, you just don't have the ENERGY to whip up a fancy meal, or even really any kind of meal, I'm just happy if we don't eat out! Dessert this evening was Quaker rice snacks cheddar cheese flavor, and a few grapes I filched from above, I had bought PLENTY, to end my day at 1331 calories.

Output: I got up this morning and did the 32 min WATP, since its not a walking training day. Then I did get in a 10 minute walk at work in my work shoes (which is quite difficult but my crocs were at home), just to get a bit more time out of the way. This evening, I did 20 minutes of cardio dance to finish up my day.


  1. That looks so good and healthy to. Did you do it from scratch or was it a mix you got.

  2. LOL it was a mix...anddddd to be even MORE sad, it was a mix that you only have to add water to. Don't laugh! I hate having to get veg oil and eggs etc to make things, so I take the easy way out, its pretty low cal too.
