Saturday, June 6, 2009

Waking up is hard to do...

D and I got up early and hit the road for a good walk at 7am. We haven't stopped moving since. Well, I haven't, D copped a nap at the But we had good, albeit busy, day. I got D his birthday gift today. He got 2 hermit crabs and all the rigmarole that goes with them. Obviously, pics are on his blog. Did you even need to ask? You should know me by And if you don't,'s the link: D's Adventure Blog. Now you know.

Food, I was good today. Before our walk I had some grapes. We hit up Dennys for breakfast. I got an original Grand Slam but with egg whites and sugar free syrup. I did end up miscalculating it by about 100 cals, the sausage killed me, next time, I'll get extra bacon instead, much less cals if I really want meat! But it was YUM. D asked me why my eggs were white and his were yellow, he's so observant! After that, we hit up walmart real quick, and then the mall, where I had a kids cone from CFA. Nothing else til dinner, which was at Beth's (thanks, Beth, it was a great meal, and one I have missed!). We had her yummy enchiladas, and I had salad with light ranch, then some raspberry sherbet and strawberries. I had a few sips of a Mikes LIGHT Hard Lemonade before coming home (those are only 98 cals! So my few sips was like 24 to end my day at 1580 calories. Not too bad for a saturday!

Output: LOTS. Like I said, we got up to walk 3 miles at 7am. It took 54 minutes, but I then did 4 minutes of stretching afterward. Then we hit up Walmart, then the mall. Then home for a bit, then Walmart again where I had a brisk 5 minute walk around the perimeter of the inside to finish up my day. I hit a new record tonite!! I have now burned over 4000 cals officially! I know I've done it before with swimming, but haven't seen it on my GWF. I had to do about 5 minutes of cardio dance at 11:50 this evening to throw it but it happened! I ended my day at 4013 cals burned...WOOT!

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