Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day One down

So today was day one. I was woefully unprepared since I just decided this last night. So, my stop on the way to work, was to Smoothie King. I got a Caribbean Way (strawberry, banana, papaya) smoothie with NO sweetener (can't have sugar), and an immune booster. I also grabbed a little package of turkey jerky and dried apples to munch on til lunch.

At lunchtime I went to the store and it was HARD! EVERYthing I usually eat is carbs or dairy or sugar laden. But I ended up ok. I originally was going to add in skim milk, but I ended up getting dark chocolate almond milk. It's SOOO good and creamy! The rest of what I got was salad stuff, fruits (bananas, raisins, no sugar applesauce), tuna, sliced turkey, and almonds. However, I did veer from True Paleo, by getting single serving broccoli and cheese cups (dairy), and Zesty Italian Light dressing (sugar). But I'm ok with that. It's minimal.

For dinner, I hit up the store again before getting D. I needed eggs, veggies for the house, more salad stuff, different meats. And ended up cooking for dinner. I had come across a recipe for omelette muffins that looked really good. (See below) I didn't make them True Paleo again as I did add a dash of milk. But otherwise they are paleo. We also had roasted asparagus with some (NonPaleo) ranch dressing to dip in. I figure at least we ate it...lol And I had some 100% juice cranberry juice this evening, but diluted with water as its pretty strong...lol

To fill up 9 muffin cups, I used 4 eggs, 2 turkey sausage pattys crumbled, about 1/2 cup of crumbled frozen spinach, and a dash of milk. Scramble it all together and then pour into greased muffin cups. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until firm. I topped them with salsa. Yummy!!

So day one is down, and I think I stuck within the 80% compliance. I need to keep finding super easy recipes!

On a side note, I did weigh in today, and it was NOT pretty :( I've gained back almost all the weight I had previously lost. I won't be weighing again til the end of this though.

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