Saturday, March 21, 2009

An adult movie with D!

No, not an "adult" adult movie, but this evening, a friend of mine and I (along with D) went to an adult movie. Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was rated PG, so I figured it wouldn't be TOO bad. It was cute! And surprise surprise, aside from a few reminders and a tiny bit of fidgeting, D did great! It's so hard to get time out to go see em, so I was Now I wouldn't take him to any that are rated more than PG, especially without having already seen it, but this was cool.

We had a fun day...I made us nutrigrain lowfat waffles with sliced strawberries and a bit of light syrup for breakfast/lunch. A late snack for me was 2 stolen popcorn chicken pieces from D's snack that he just HAD to have. (Have I mentioned how I am SO ready for this growth spurt to run it's course!) Then for dinner, we hit up Chili's with a friend of mine. I was pretty good. I did have some chips and salsa, but I got the guiltless grill steak with broccoli (and some ranch to dip in) on the side as my meal. I did have a sweet shot for dessert, the warm cinnamon roll flavor...yum! At the movie we went to, I had some popcorn but maybe about 1/4th of a medium one (and no extra butter on that) to end my day at 1353 calories.

Output was just a little walking around Stonebriar and then Vista Ridge, nothing big as I was wearing new shoes and they very quickly rubbed nasty blisters on my heels. That'll teach me to wear new shoes without preparing first. I get tired of tennis shoes all the time, but I learned the hard way tonite, there's a reason for em. :(


  1. Wow, I can't believe D can sit through a whole movie. Very impressive!

  2. hehehe popcorn solves most there did end up being two cuss words I'm glad he didn't catch, although he did catch "SHUT UP!" and looked up at me and whispered "that's a sad word, mommy!" lol
