Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Doc appt today

Well I had a doc appt today to look at the bottom of my heel. When I was 12, I had plantar warts removed from one heel, and it was such an awful experience with the surgery, I'd been avoiding going back. But I'm happy to say no surgery is needed! Woohoo! Its basically a deep callus that is causing some bursitis. I will still have to have some treatments, they basically took a sanding tool to my heel today...lol so its a weeeeeeee bit tender, and whatever they put on it...silver nitrate?...is gonna turn it black for a week or so. I go back in 3 weeks and they'll do it again. I also got prescriptions for a daily home routine to keep it from coming back, and that is SO doable. WHEW!!! Y'all have no idea how relieved I am!!!

I've been pretty good so far today. I went to a wedding shower this afternoon (CONGRATS Ruth and Allen!), and didn't do as great as I wanted to, but I kept it under control.

Breakfast this morning was applesauce, I wasn't super hungry. Lunch was a PBJ on whole grain and baby carrots. Before the shower, I had a 100 cal minibag of popcorn to see if it kept the edge off wanting to eat at the shower. Then at the shower, I had a cupcake, 1 regular strawberry and 1 choc covered strawberry and a few M&Ms. Yeah...not GREAT but it could have been worse. For dinner, D and I went to Souper Salad. I had 2 of their little pizza slices (at 90 cals a pop, yeah they are thin and little), plus a breadstick, and then a big salad with low cal ranch. D and I also got ice cream cones there. This evening for a snack I had a 100 cal bag of popcorn to end my day at 1415 calories.

Output, none...my heel was bothering me pretty good all evening so I just kept it propped up all evening.

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