Saturday, March 7, 2009

Starting over

First off, I want to say thanks to all of you for all your support in this. Reading the comments and the replies on DAM after I posted there as well, really helped me to not be so hard on myself. I know I probably deserved everything that could have been thrown at me, but I'm so thankful to have such a support system that will stand by me, even when things go the wrong way.

So I begin this again. I'm starting fresh, and I guess for now, just basically going to take it day by day. I took off the side fence pics, and will start redoing those every month in the tank top and shorts. Hopefully, I can keep up with those this time.

I'm also going to start logging food on Lose It on my iphone instead of FitDay. Mainly because it can be difficult to get on fitday at work nowadays, and I need to be able to go all day with it, plus take it with me. I'm curious to see how I do on this new system. It says I need to eat 1958 calories every day (not counting calories burned exercising) in order to lose 2 lbs a week! Yikes! Thats a lot of calories! I've really debated today if I want to keep posting my food each day on here, and have wondered if that might be part of the problem. That my expectation to keep up with it, led me to feel I had to hide the bad stuff, despite it being part of the addiction. Well, for now, I'll still post (TRUTHFULLY), and if I decide not to later, then I'll stop.

Today, I skipped bfast since I slept in while D ate dry cereal and had some juice in my room while watching Dora. We had an early lunch of scrambled eggbeaters with yolk, mixed with sliced up canadian bacon, and a sprinkle of cheese on top, plus applesauce on the side. For an afternoon snack, I had half a banana and a fatfree yogurt. And then had a slimfast shake with skim milk before we headed to the mall so I wouldn't be so tempted. We ate dinner there, and D and I split a chicken quesadilla at the burrito place (chicken and cheese only in it). I had a bit of sourcream and salsa with that, and a few chips with the salsa too. Then for dessert, D and I both got ice dream cones from CFA. I'm really going to try to not eat anything else today, but we'll see how that goes. I'm at 1271 calories, and Lose It says I still need 687 calories! (And thats IF I don't do ANY exercise says I need 926 more cals with the activity I did today) Hmmmm...I might just leave it at 1271, but we'll see how I feel later this evening. In a way, its a double edged sword to have that many cals left. It helps to know I COULD have something else tonite, but also now that I have that many left, the chances of it being crap food are more likely. *sigh* We'll see.

I did get some activity in today. I took D to the park, and then we walked down to the lake there. We also walked around the mall (though it wasn't a dedicated walk), and I did 2 miles on the stationary bike tonite.

1 comment:

  1. In my humble opinion, it might help to increase your calories. I think you are more likely to make lifelong changes if you do this in smaller, more manageable steps. For me, I've never been able to drop below 1500 a day without feeling deprived. I even have days where I decide I will eat my "maintenance" calories--if I've been consistenly hungry for several days or just feel like I Really need it. That way, I keep those days managed as well.

    Good luck to you, and I'll be watching and praying as you keep trying to get healthy :)
