Monday, March 9, 2009

A decent Monday

Today was a pretty decent day. Since I didn't get out of the routine of good breakfasts, lunches and snacks at work, it was easy to get back into that today. I'm hoping tonite will not be so bad. I did turn down cake today at work and opted for 3 today was Ebby's birthday so there was lots of cake up there. Oddly, I didn't really just crave it, it was easy enough to pass it up.

I started out the day with a Slimfast shake made with skim milk, and then later had some almonds and a fat free yogurt. Lunch was a Weight Watchers ziti meal, but then I was still pretty hungry, so I had a can of tuna mixed with some miracle whip. That did the trick. My afternoon snack was the 3 strawberries, and then an applesauce cup. For dinner, we had a yummy meal of Nutrigrain lowfat waffles with light syrup, turkey sausage patties, and apple slices. My snack this evening was one serving of puffed crackers. They aren't that good (ie, not really salty) but I wanted some crackers. I'm ending my day at 1459 calories.

This evening, I did another 2.7 miles on the bike, it still took me 15 minutes. I'm curious to see how I'll keep increasing.