Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy birthday, Grandad...

I missed him like crazy today. Today my grandad would have been 86 years old. I still find it hard to believe its been 2 years since he was gone. I still feel him.

It really was kind of just a crappy day in general. I could not stay asleep at all the night before. On Saturday I wore new shoes and they tore UP the back of my heels to a bloody mess, so I could barely walk, I hobbled around. Plus emotional about my grandad's birthday, and a few other things on my mind, it just all added up. So I decided to make sure I was occupied tonite. Beth, the boys and I hit up CFA for dinner, and then Target and Home Depot. I'm working on my backyard to spruce it up some, so we got a few things for that. I was glad for the distraction.

Breakfast this morning was a slimfast shake before I left for work. I was feeling VERY weak about not stopping for breakfast so I decided to try to head it off. It worked well enough. I had a midmorning snack of a Fiber One bar and applesauce. Lunch was a PBJ on whole grain, plus Kosher Dill chips, and sugar snap peas. I did end up chewing 4 pieces of gum today (at 10 cals a pop! Yikes!), and then had raisins for an afternoon snack. Dinner was a 6 piece kids meal at CFA with ketchup, and then an ice dream cone. At home depot, I filched a few of D's and then late in the evening, I had a 100 cal Smartfood popcorn bag which was pretty good...ending my day abit high but under the limit at 1920 calories.

Output today was lots of walking this evening. We walked Target and Home Depot, and lifted heavy bags of rocks into the cart, etc. It was quite a

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