Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feeling good about all this...

I'm still struggling with some feelings of shame and guilt for how bad it got, but I think my outlook has been a lot better since Friday, and though I can't say I'm not having cravings, there is definitely a dividing line holding me back. Goodness knows, when I left work today, I kept thinking that we needed to pick up food on the way home. And that's such a crazy thought considering we HAVE food at home, I just had to get past that, and determine it wasn't gonna happen.

And I did. We went home and I fixed quite a yummy dinner (although D didn't really think so...lol but oh well, he got enough in him that it counts...) LOL He kept saying he couldn't eat the chicken because "it might hurt his throat" (which is mostly HEALED), but yet the chicken was ALL he really ate once the plate was in front of him, he barely touched his rice, and kinda picked over the peas. Silly kid.

After yesterday's freaky spell I had (was sitting at my desk and the world started spinning), I had a more substantial breakfast of eggbeaters with yolk and canadian bacon. It worked well! For a morning snack, I had almonds and a tbsp of peanut butter. Lunch was with my friend (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!) at Sweet Tomatoes, another safe place of mine since I always get the same thing. I had a big salad with romaine, tomatoes, a bit of cheese, and fat free ranch, plus 3 pickle slices, to start off. Then I added 2 of their pieces of lowfat sourdough bread (with about 1 tbsp of whipped butter), and had a bowl of their chunky chicken noodle soup. And to finish it off, I had a serving of their fatfree chocolate frozen yogurt. It was a YUMMY meal, and it really helped me get through the rest of the day and beat that need to get fast food. For an afternoon snack, I had an apple later in the day. For dinner, I made shake n bake chicken, with a little ketchup, with a side of plain rice and sugar snap peas. This evening for a snack after my exercise, I had puffed crackers and a pudding cup to end my day at 1875 calories.

My daily goal for working on this stationary bike, has really been to do what I did the day before, and if I felt like it, do an extra 5 minutes with the thought that I'd have to do that the next day. Well...tonite I did an extra 5 minutes to make it a total of 20 minutes, and in that extra 5 minutes, I did an extra 1.1 miles, to make a total ridden today of 3.8 miles!!!! Woohoo!!!

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