Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 14

Two weeks down!! And one day shy of being halfway through the first 30 days I committed to. Really, I am loving this!! It has SO simplified my eating. I get some meat, cook it. Get some veggies, add some dressing if needed to a salad, or cook the veggies. Add some fruit and nuts. The only processed foods I've had are supplemental, like dressing, some beef jerky, cheese, seasoning, etc. Otherwise, it feels good to be going so natural. I don't have to hassle with how to make something as much.

I got some advice to make sure to have some animal protein at breakfast, so I had deli sliced turkey (from the deli at Sprouts) along with a banana for breakfast. That really did keep me going til lunch. At lunch, I went by the store to stock up for the week on meals. So I had a spring mix and tomato salad with some light ranch, and real bacon bits. Plus a string cheese (dairy), and a cup of almond milk. This afternoon, I had some almonds for a snack. Dinner was my new veggie of the week. I steamed some cauliflower. Yes, that's right, I had never tried cauliflower... :( It was good!!! We had the rest of the bacon, plus I finished the last few pieces of beef from last night, and D and I split a head of cauliflower with just some Tony Chacheres and garlic salt, no butter even needed. It was quite tasty!

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